Stress At Work


Stress in the work place is on the rise. A survey by healthcare consultancy, IHC highlights that 13.4m days are lost each year due to stress, anxiety and depression. This costs industry 11bn each year! Work place energies are dropping to an all time low according to another survey carried out by Adecco and the Chartered Management Institute. The survey also revealed that managers are working 14 hours longer than they are paid for and are not getting to spend enough time with their families. Life is becoming more time pressured and we're all faced with challenges that sometimes we feel we cannot cope with, leading to stress.

If you're suffering from stress then you may recognise any of the following symptoms: mood swings, anxiety, skin problems, tiredness, muscle tension, poor concentration, changes in sleep or eating patterns, low self esteem or poor memory. If any of these symptoms are all too familiar it is essential that you take positive action promptly, as long term stress has a detrimental impact on overall health. Perhaps you're in need of some time off work? However, if you're not due a holiday for a while, here are a few tips to help you get through the working week:

1) Exercise improves mental health, emotion, and mood, and is an essential part of stress busting and relaxation. So why not get down the gym or join a regular exercise class?

2) The worst reaction is to use alcohol, cigarettes or drugs to relieve tension. Instead, take time out for enjoyable physical activity such as sports or dancing. You can involve your whole family in this and get fit at the same time.

3) When you do get tense, you also find that your breathing is much shorter, so you need to take deeper and slower breaths, and you'll feel instantly calmer.

4)Yoga is also recommended for combating stress, as it relaxes the mind as muscular activity is increased.

5)Make changes in your diet such at cutting down on sugar or caffeine, which could be contributing to the problem. Of course, eating a balanced diet is vital, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and drinking lots of water will help concentration.

6)Try to make time for rest and relaxation each week; it's vital for your sanity!

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Spencer Cuckney, fitness expert, certified personal trainer with over 15 years experience and founder of Fitnessmaster offers 1-2-1 personal training, online training, nutrition services and specialized fitness services that fit your budget and schedule.

How To Get Your Ex-Wife Back?


If you recently experienced a painful event known as divorce or are on a verge of something like this happening but initiative came not from you then it's quite normal to wander how to get your ex wife back as this emotional stress you are experiencing is because you lost a loved one and can't imagine your future without her. But before jumping into hasty conclusions let's review if that is really what you want.

When a relationship comes to an end in most cases it means that at some point each of you went different pathways and as time went by difference between you both was increasing even if all seemed to be just fine from your point of view. It doesn't even matter what caused actual divorce because reasons why your wife actually left you can be found earlier in your and to get your ex wife back you need to understand what were those reasons.

One of main reasons usually is loosing respect for loved one and depending on emotional background it affects your marriage more or less in separating you from each other. Since you are the one who was dumped it means your wife lost respect for you possibly on several occasions which built up over time and ended with where you are now. Usually women loose respect of their men when they don't act as stronger party in relationship unless that's what they are looking for in a men.

Basically if men don't have backbone and can't stand up for their self then majority of women won't have any respect for such men. If this is the case then your mission to get your ex wife back is almost impossible and only way to achieve it would be analyzing what behaviour exactly made you in her eyes less respectful and working to improve on these characteristics which not many can manage.

Next possible reason could be that either you or your wife wasn't satisfied with lack of passion and intimacy in your relationship which could bring either of you to seeking some adventures outside and if other party finds out about this then it's usually sure end for any marriage. Possible solution for this would be remembering what brought you together in the first place and trying that out to bring back positive memories but some improvisation is required as well.

Possible reasons are numerous and individual to each case but with some professional help this can be analyzed and fixed so you can have your second chance with her. What I recommend is a program called "Don't break" which will help you in finding actual reasons why your wife left you and learn ways how you could fix these problems.

Click here to learn more about "Don't break" program and how to get your ex wife back!

Get your Ex Wife Back

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