Lipitor And Grapefruit: A Dangerous Combination


Lipitor and grapefruit can be a dangerous combination. If you are taking this cholesterol-lowering drug, it is important to learn the facts about possible interactions.

When talking with your doctor about taking lipitor grapefruit and its place in your diet should be a subject that receives consideration. Grapefruit and grapefruit juice may interact with Lipitor, leading to potentially serious complications.

Forewarned is forearmed, as the old saying goesespecially in relation to lipitor and grapefruit and what may occur. Grapefruit juice slows activity of the liver enzyme that metabolizes Lipitor. This can lead to high levels of this drug, raising the risk of rhabdomyolysis.

Rhabdomyolysis is a severe muscle reaction that can cause death. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience unexplained muscle pain or weaknessespecially if you have flu-like symptoms or a fever or any other unusual signs. These may be early warnings of muscle or liver problems.

When considering using lipitor grapefruit or any drink containing grapefruit juice should be avoided. Information sheets that accompany Lipitor detail this information.

Discuss lipitor and grapefruit with your doctor. Do not increase the amount of grapefruit you eat without talking to your practitioner first.

You can also obtain additional information from your pharmacist about possible lipitor grapefruit reactions.

Drugs such as Lipitor are used to treat and lower cholesterol but they come with a long list of serious side effects. Because of this, many people seek out natural solutions when trying to manage cholesterol levels.

Thankfully, science has come to the rescue with plant compounds that safely and effectively treat cholesterol imbalances.

Policosanol is an exciting natural substance that has been widely tested. It has outperformed statin drugs in trials. It reduces harmful LDL while raising beneficial HDL. Green tea lowers total cholesterol levels and improves the ratio of good (HDL) to bad (LDL). Vitamin E can ward off heart disease.

Other substances such as beta-sitosterol are anticholesteraemic. They reduce blood cholesterol levels and are used for treating hypercholesterolemia and coronary heart disease. Oryzanol rice bran oil contains important compounds that reduce total cholesterol and triglycerides. A substance found in orange peel oil, d-limonene, acts as a natural solvent, dissolving cholesterol gallstones.

It can be seen that there are alternatives to using statin drugs. If you are concerned about lipitor and grapefruit or other unforeseen interactions that may arise with use of this drug, it may be helpful to consult with a naturopathic practitioner for insights about workable alternatives.

Lipitor grapefruit complications do not have to be part of your cholesterol treatment scenario. Dangerous interactions can be avoided by making informed choices about your healthnow, and in the future.

If you have experienced complications related to use of lipitor and grapefruit, you may be looking for other solutions. Natural substances can aid in the process of lowering cholesterol.

Athlyn Green is an avid health enthusiast with an interest in natural remedies for treatment of health disorders. She has contributed to Lipitor Grapefruit, a section of dedicated to natural treatments for high cholesterol and heart disease prevention.

Do you want to become more observant? This is more than just awareness, because even if you are aware of everything in your surroundings you may not be noticing the things that count. Im going to tell you how to easily become more observant of anything you choose.

First, you must notice that your awareness is only as good as your senses:

If you do not look, you cannot see.

If you do not hear, your cannot listen. get the point.

This is fundamental when it comes to being observant and it seems like common sense, but many take it for granted. In fact, most of the time the majority of people filter out sensory items that their subconscious does not deem important. They actually trick themselves into believing that a sound was heard or a car was seen, but really they couldnt remember the first detail about what just happened. If this is you, please keep reading, because you are about to learn something very important.

The filthy rich pay attention. The good looking pay attention. The people who you may want to be more like, pay attention and are observant!

All people must learn these skills before having any success in life. So let's get started!


#1 Dont waste your time. This is the foundation and above everything else. Your time is most important and those who use it well will get far!

#2 If you are going to spend time talking to someone spend it well and focus on that conversation. Dont try to multi-task by thinking something other than the conversation at hand. Hang on every word and thought of the other person and dont get side-tracked! Once you are able to do this you will get meaning from what you are hearing. This is called: Listening.

#3 The next time you look around ask yourself this question: What am I looking for? In order to improve your observation, always have a purpose for shifting your focus. Fight the urge to look around just to look around. When you look, get information and think about that information. This also applies to reading. Who, what, when, where, etc This stuff seems basic but, surprisingly, most people dont use this knowledge.


Exercise #1Here is an exercise you can do as a test of your focus and observation: The next time you drive, randomly ask yourself without looking how many cars are around you. If you cant do this keep practicing. Always knowing your visual surroundings will help you move yourself with a purpose and once you get this exercise down it will be second nature to know everything around you.

Exercise #2This exercise can be done in any situation but I am giving an example. Try this: walk into a restaurant, order then sit down. Once you find your seat ask yourself: how many workers did you see? Where are the exits? What kind of car did you park next to? If you have no idea then get with the program! Start paying attention. Take mental notes.

When you put effort into this process it gets easier, and eventually you will have a level of observation that far surpasses anyone around you.

If you would like extra help you will find more great information at

FINAL NOTE: Improving your observation is easy if you know where to start. Improve your senses and make sure that you get something out of every situation. Remember your experiences and be aware of your surroundings. Now, without looking, what was rule #1?

Billy Morgan is a self-made business man from a small town in Virginia. He is also the founder of the #1 Self-improvement website Billy's purpose is to help everyone achieve their full potential.

Exercise Via Swimming


Swimming is one of the most popular forms of aerobic exercise, and it is an excellent activity for anyone who wishes to get fit and stay active. Swimming exercise uses more of the overall muscle mass of the body than almost any other form of exercise, and people get an upper-body workout and a lower-body workout, unlike running or biking or other activities like tennis, where you get a good workout in just the legs. In addition, as with most aerobic exercise it is believed to reduce the harmful effects of stress.

Overall, swimming is an excellent form of exercise. Because the density of the human body is approximately similar to that of water, the body is supported by the water and less stress is therefore placed on joints and bones. Since then the buoyancy of the water protects the joints, water exercise is a particularly good choice for people who are overweight or who are prevented from taking part in other activities because of injuries or other physical limitations. Therefore, swimming is frequently used as an exercise in rehabilitation after injuries or for the disabled. It's also safe for older people and pregnant women.

For most adults, the upper body is the weakest part of the body. Swimming exercises the arms and upper body more than the legs. In competitive swimming, excessive leg muscles can be seen as a disadvantage as they consume more oxygen, which would be needed for the muscles in the arms, although this depends on the swimming style. While breaststroke generates significant movement with the legs, front crawl propels the body mainly with the arms.

Sometimes the swimming consists of swimming laps using a conventional stroke, such as the front crawl; other forms can include different forms of exercise performed in the water, such as water aerobics. Specifically, swimming and other forms of water exercise, such as water aerobics, offer remarkable cardiovascular benefits and are one of the few forms of exercise that work out the entire body. Swimming is primarily an aerobic exercise due to the relatively long exercise time, requiring a constant oxygen supply to the muscles, except for short sprints where the muscles work anaerobically. Particularly, water aerobics put a lot less stress on the knee and hip joints than running or many other aerobic activities. If you put people in the water, they don't have that pounding and compression on those joints, so they're able to exercise much more pain free. Moreover, if the water is warm, water exercise is good for people with arthritis.

Swimming and water aerobics are excellent and popular forms of exercise for the elderly, so long as the primary focus for exercise is not to improve osteoporosis.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles for - In addition, Jonathon also writes articles for and

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