Abdominal Exercise For The Lazy


There is a very old and famous adage, which states that The man who sleeps, his destiny sleeps. In my childhood days, my mother often used to tell me this. I used to wonder what she was trying to say, although I could not figure out anything. It used to sound funny to me and I used to visualize a fat man sleeping all day long on his bed. Gone are those childhood days and now when I sit on my veranda couch and reflect back on my mothers words I realize the truth in her words.

When people say that man is the superior of all races, there may be a hint of pride, a feeling of superiority (something the animal rights activists might take a note of) involved, I know, it is indeed the reality. Man is blessed with intelligence and the power of reasoning which no other species has. What man cannot achieve? Man has conquered moon, has flown to other planets, made satellites, using the internet technologies we now have the world on our desktop. Using technology man has started to think life beyond earth!

But all is not so well as it seems so. There are still some facets where man falls short in his achievements. I have encountered people of different races, cultures and countries. But there is one trait that I have seen in people in general and that is laziness. I am sorry to admit that we are also the laziest of all races, I being one of them. We have the power to achieve bigger things but what separates us from the winners is the hard work.

A lazy man as you know will never hit a gym. He is educated, well conscious of the good and bad things in life but what stops him from working out is his laziness. As a result, the companies can easily fool them into buying made-easy products, which promise to deliver good workout for the abs and the whole body, with little or no effort. As I sit down to write a proper workout for the lazy man, I wonder how I can fit the word workout in the chart. If a man is lazy, he will not at all work out. Nevertheless, there must be some way out. If you feel that going to a gym regularly or jogging in the nearby park is too hard for you, then here is how you should work to get rid of the flab on the abdominal region.

First, you should keep a strict check on the diet. Consult a dietician expert for getting a suitable chart prepared for you. Eat food less on calories, milk products, and cholesterol. Avoid beer and alcohol. Eat high quantity of proteins. Avoid red meat.

Second, you should simply do some free hand stretching exercises. These include free hand rotation, twisting of the hips.

Sit on the ground. Spread your legs such that they form a V. Now try to catch the toe of the left leg using your right hand and then vice-versa. Repeat the full exercise in three sets of 20. Keep a break of one minute in between each set.

After this, try to do the basic crunches. These are very easy and do not require much effort from your side. Maintain a correct posture and you can surely work on it. Next, you can join any aerobics sessions. Working out in a gym is often boring and people do not enjoy it. Therefore, it is always better to take pleasure in what you are doing. Bring some life into your activity and you will not feel the pressures of hard work. Aerobics classes are coupled with hard beat music, so you can sway away with the music. This relieves the mental stress and you feel lively. The other option is to join some dance classes if you enjoy them.

Finally, you must be clear about the fact that As you sow, so you reap. The benefits of hard work can never be undermined. If you are lazy, a long time will take to get the perfect shaped abs. Do not get disheartened though. It is always better to work hard for six months and reap the fruits than waiting patiently for years owing to your laziness. Choice is yours!

Abdominal Exercise will spring you back into shape and take care of your body. Learn more about starting to workout at http://abdominalexercisezone.com

When your body is sick in any way the pH is disrupted. Your body does whatever it can to keep up with the extra acid produced. When it cant keep up, disease happens. Disease is a breakdown of your body's cells optimal function. Disease happens through poor eating habits, overwork, stuffing your emotions, eating too many cooked foods, too much sugar, salt, caffeine, drugs, vaccines, tension, depression, lack of proper rest, lack of exercise, environmental contamination of the air/water/food and the retention of metabolic wastes (constipation). The only effective way to "cure" disease is to eliminate the causes.

Can we stop disease or reverse agonizing symptoms? Yes. How? We have to clean up our lives with optimal nutrition, special diets, cleansing programs, specific vitamins and supplements, fresh extracted juices, herbs and other natural therapies which do not harm the body over time. We must change our living habits and the way we think. We need to find a balance between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our life.

All cures come from within the central core of your body first, then it progresses outward and from the top of your body down to your feet and in reverse order in which the symptoms first occurred.

So, how does one detoxify? It cant be done overnight. You took time to build those toxins up. If you go too fast, it will throw your body into a healing crisis which well tell you about at the end of this article. Plan for a four-month program.

The body should be cleansed in this order: Bowels, liver, kidneys, blood and lymph.

Bowel detoxificationStarting the process: Eat more fresh raw fruits and vegetables. The more varied the colors, the better and more balanced the cleanse will be. Some of my favorite fruits and vegetables to keep the body in tip-top shape include: Apples, carrots, watermelon, tayberries, raspberries, cherries, papaya, parsley, ginger, broccoli and zucchini. These provide fiber and fluid to get the bowels moving, improves oxygen utilization, helps to burn up waste products in the system, and stabilize blood pH making the body more alkaline. When the body is alkaline it has energy to fight off disease, so that it can detoxify and rebuild. Cut back on cheese, meat, poultry and refined foods. Eliminate packaged items. Eat more eggs.

For chronic constipation problems, my favorite product is Natures Sunshine LBS II. It is non-addictive and can shift your bowel habits permanently with only a few months of adding it to your supplement program. Some people prefer to add in coffee enemas or colon hydrotherapy. This is good, but dont overdo the coffee enemas. Three per week should be the maximum amount for coffee enemas in the detoxification program. And if your issue is loose bowels, irritable bowel syndrome or Crohns disease, you may want to add in Bowel pathogen nosode drops for parasites and Large Intestine RET drops for emotions associated with imbalance of the bowels.

Emotional RET Remedies: These wonderful homeopathic/flower essence combinations were developed by Professional Health Formulations to help with the emotional aspects of physical symptoms within the body. Seventy percent of all disease processes have some emotional component to them. So if you are doing all the right things and taking all the right drugs, supplements, and diet for something and it still isn't working, these drops may be your ticket

Note: Cooked, processed, or pasteurized fruits and vegetables are devoid of enzymes. Heat kills many vitamins and cooked fruits will make the body more acidic. Consuming three servings EACH of raw fruits, raw vegetables and cooked vegetables (thats nine servings total) is the minimum for optimal health, but you will want to take in five servings of each per day for a total of 15 servings servings/day on a detoxification program.

Juicing is an easy way to get those servings in. Adding some raw beet juice and green bitter vegetables will stimulate the gall bladder to get things moving.

You may also want to add in some liquid acidophilus if you have bowel issues, crave sugar, know you have yeast problems, or have had a history of taking antibiotics. Liquid vitamins and ionic mineral supplements are also helpful both in the detoxification and maintenance phases.

Liver Detoxification: Once bowel movements are happening smoothly, its time to start detoxifying the liver. Increase green foods and include green drinks, beets, milk thistle and add any homeopathic detoxosode drops that are appropriate. My favorites are: Sick Building detox drops, Mercury and Amalgam, Degenerative Tissues, and Food Additive Detox Drops for eliminating Aspartame, caffeine, chocolate, food colorings, MSG, sulfites, and nitrites from your system. Intravenous chelation is the Cadillac treatment for getting rid of heavy metals from your system, but Ive found that carob powder will do quite well as well. Its cheap and available. The dose is Teaspoon once a day for 30 days. If you are struggling with allergies, anger, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, glaucoma or cancer, youll want to add in some Liver RET drops.

Kidney Detoxification: Once youve completed the liver cleanse, the kidneys come next, so add in Cranberry Unsweetened Concentrate to your fruit and vegetable-rich diet. One teaspoon/day for six weeks. My favorite brands are Hains and Tree of Life. This product comes in 8-16 ounce bottles. Its not the juice or frozen concentrate you buy in the juice isle. Look for it in the nutritional supplements of your local health food store. Eat lots of ginger, parsley and watermelon. Kidney RET emotional remedy is added at this point if the person is experiencing nervousness, fear, anxiety, dread or worry in their personality traits. I add Myrrh Gum Powder in at this time as well to help with yeast and purification. Take up to four capsules/day for about nine weeks depending on the severity of yeast you may have in your system.

Blood and Lymph Detoxification: This is the final step in the process and should occur at approximately month four of your detoxification process. Now add in some Poke Root Tincture at 12 drops/day to get the lymph moving. Signs of lymph and circulation stasis include fluid retention, fibrocystic breasts, elevated Prostate Specific Antigen and lymphatic cancers. Irish moss will help balance out the cellular salts, and keep eating that parsley. Add in teaspoon of blackstrap molasses a day for added minerals and iron. Also add in five tablets a day of American Health Papaya Enzymes to help disintegrate the remaining tar of fermented proteins built up in your intestines over the years.

You should be feeling pretty good now, but adding in Spiritual RET drops helps to integrate the physical healing with the mental and spiritual healing.

So, how do you know when you are detoxifying too quickly? Symptoms of a healing crisis can include: Fever, swollen limbs/face, headaches, mobilization of mucous, weakness, weight-loss, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and other digestive disorders, pains resurfacing, worsening of existing symptoms, rapid pulse, skin eruptions, and some say they feel like their world is "collapsing".

What is the difference between a healing crisis and illness? You know when you are having a healing crisis because: The crisis usually lasts only one to three days. At the end of the healing crisis you feel much better than before the healing crisis occurred. You are eating all the right things and up until the healing crisis have had a good attitude. You know you are making changes in your lifestyle and are working on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of your life. You are mentally prepared to get through the healing. You may have just pampered yourself with some kind of bodyworkthis sometimes stimulates a healing crisis. This is a good thing. If you are truly sick, the symptoms above feel awful as time progresses. The symptoms are more than transient and more than mild.

Ways to work through a healing crisis: Drink lots of water, treat yourself to a massage or hot bath, do daily caster oil packs over your liver for 3-5 days, fast for a day or two, get a chiropractic adjustment, pray and do some attitudinal work and find a support team.

Dr. Denice Moffat is a practicing naturopath, medical intuitive, and veterinarian working on the family unit (which includes humans and animals) through her phone consultation practice established in 1995. She has a content-rich website at http://www.NaturalHealthTechniques.com and free monthly newsletter. Dr. Moffat advocates eating a minimum of 3/3/3 servings every day (raw fruits, raw vegetables, cooked vegetables) to maintain optimal health. For other healing techniques you can do at home, go to: http://www.naturalhealthtechniques.com/BasicsofHealth/basicsofhealth1.htm

When people find out that Im a music therapist, the comments I hear most often are I wish I could sing! or Oh, I love to sing, but Im not good enough to do it in front of anyone. Some of these people tell me that, as children, a parent, teacher or someone else told them that they should just mouth the words because they didnt have a good enough voice.

Singing is our birthright! Singing is a natural and pure expression of how glad we feel to be alive, and the way we show our love of music. Here are my top five reasons to sing out your stress:

1. To connect with your body: We sing with our whole bodies. Because singing is so connected to closely with breath, singing helps us be in our bodies and let go of the thinking (or worrying) we do much of the day. Singing can be a joyful activity and can release endorphins (those feel-good chemicals that the body creates).

2. To connect with yourself: Meditative toning, singing along to a favourite song or simply humming to yourself are all ways to tap into your inner landscape and see whats going on in there.

3. To connect with others: Singing with other people - in meditation, prayer, at a sing-along, at a concert, or even over the telephone or Internet - helps us experience in a very deep way that we are all truly connected.

4. To express your feelings: Many times a singer, songwriter or composer has expressed our feelings in a way we could never have if theres a song that expresses what you want or need to say, try singing along (keep in mind that this is just for you and its not about sounding good).

5. To boost your good feelings: Whatever you focus on, youll invite more of into your life. You can choose uplifting, joyful and celebratory songs to sing.

So sing out! Be proud of your own unique voice. Experiment with what works for you keep a journal of what you notice in your mind and body when you sing specific songs. Then you can choose the right song for the right moment and make use of the power of singing in your own life.

Copyright 2006, Linda Dessau.

Linda Dessau, BFA, MTA, CPCC is a self-care expert, accredited music therapist and certified life coach. Learn more about using singing for stress management, personal growth and spiritual development at http://www.singoutyourstress.com, where you can download the FREE report, "Top 10 Ways to Sing Out Your Stress".

It is also common for men to believe that erectile dysfunction is caused by psychological factors than physical ones. This has been proven wrong due to remarkable advances in andrological research over the past few years. Studies have established that in as many as 80 to 90 percent of the cases of erectile dysfunction, the cause is organic (physical) rather than psychological.

What led men to think that the root of such problem lies only in the mind? Two factors are predominant. The first is male chauvinism. If one looks back at human history, most of our societies have been patriarchal and male - dominated. Men were seen as superior to women, if not perfect. It would be very difficult for them to admit that there is something wrong with the male reproductive organs. That would be a very big blow to their manhood. Ironically, it is men who researched the female reproductive system and have established obstetrics and gynecology. Yet, the field of andrology and advances in it came only much later.

Another factor that led to such a misconception is the erroneous interpretation of Sigmund Freuds teachings. This led to the mistaken belief that most male sexual problems have their roots in the mind. While most branches of medicine have taken its root from biology - that is studying the anatomy and physiology of a certain part of the body and figuring out what happens when anatomy and physiology goes wrong thus causing disease - the male reproductive system alone was founded on psychology. What a damage this has caused.

This explains why that most people know that lifting a finger involves a complex series of neuromuscular activities but few realize that it takes as much complexity to lift a penis. Most people think that all it takes for erection to succeed is a naughty thought.

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Victorian Jewelry


Many people find it hard to believe that the inception of jewelry occurred 100,000 years ago as evidenced by mollusk jewelry found in South Africa. Mollusks are small snails and clams, and their shells were used to fashion this jewelry, although it was no doubt for more functional purposes (such as holding a garment together) than it was for adorning people. In the earliest days, natural material was used, such as animal teeth, shells, bone, wood and stone.

The first period during which jewelry was used extensively to adorn people was the Georgian era beginning in the 1760's. Larger size jewelry from the past was replaced by delicate smaller forms. It is very difficult to locate jewelry from this period, but jewelry from the Victorian period beginning in the mid 1800's under the reign of Queen Victoria is a different story. The Victorian era ended in 1901 upon the death of the Queen.

The young Queen, who was crowned at eighteen, not only loved jewelry, but also designed it. In favor were cameos carved of conch shells by Italians. Women were known to travel to Italy to purchase necklaces, earrings, and brooches of cameo designs, and lava jewelry made from colored lava of Mt. Vesuvius. Soon the industrial revolution saw the manufacture of jewelry, and resulted in the end of the hand carving.

The Queen also got credit for the charm bracelet, and had a number of charms designed. She often gave jewelry as gifts to family and friends. Jewelry had been a status symbol of the wealthy, or to accompany fashionable outfits, but the emergence of the middle class created a demand for a larger quantities being produced. Queen Victoria continued to set the trend for other women, and her romantic nature as well as nature itself were reflected in jewelry designed with birds, hearts, butterflies, dragonflies, gemstone embellished flowers, ribbons, and bows. Jewelry containing the hair of both the living and dead was especially popular. Some of these pieces were very intricate in their design. Lockets were also used to hold the hair or pictures of the deceased.

Victoria also preferred serpent designs, a symbol of eternal love, and her engagement ring from Prince Albert in 1840 was a serpent designed with an emerald in its head. Terms of endearment such as "dearest" or "regard" often appeared on engagement rings. A brooch of sapphires and diamonds, a gift from her husband-to-be, adorned her wedding dress. The Queen also favored opals, but other affordable semi-precious stones appealed to the mass market such as amethyst, coral, pearls, turquoise and garnet. Ivory, seed pearls, bog oak, smoky quartz, jasper, agate, enamel, ,petrified wood, marble, as well as gold and silver found in Scottish jewelry were also popular with the public, as tartan plaids became fashionable after the Queen's children started wearing them.

New finds of gold resulted in creating different methods of gold processing, and gold jewelry became more affordable. Diamonds, because of South Africa diamond mines opening, were also becoming within the reach of the middle class. In 1861, Victoria's husband Prince Albert died, and so-called mourning jewelry made of black stones such as onyx, jet and black enamel were in vogue. They were commonly worn by relatives of the deceased. Jet was carved into necklaces, earrings, and pins. The suffragette movement was beginning and the black jewelry continued to be fashionable. Sets of jewelry were introduced during this period.

Today Victorian jewelry can be found in antique shops and at estate sales. Some reproductions of the jewelry are also sold as Victorian jewelry still has an allure for the public.

Barbara A Adams owns and operates http://www.gemstonejamboree.com


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